Monday, February 23, 2009

02 20 09 The NAACP and the New York Post..."you missed the joke"

I received an email Action Alert recently from the NAACP. The NAACP is actively pursuing a mass email campaign to have the necessary persons responsible for the insidious “stimulus comic” to be fired.

I for one believe in free speech, however, there are such times as this that we the people must allow our individual and collective voices to be heard and speak out against such a thing. It’s sad that we are an aggressive forward thinking nation that is still hung up on the color of one’s skin verses the content of their character.

I’m further saddened that certain newspapers will hide behind their freedom of speech. In order to perpetuate a particular stereotype, while others just passively sit by and quietly accept their bad behavior masquerading as commentary and or for comic value. We the people can utilize our voices in a way that has never before been seen (since the recent election of our 44th President).

Stop advertising, supporting, reading, and passing around negative commentaries such as this. The New York Post is carrying on business as usual and operating under the same guise that this type of behavior is still favorable.

Let me state; it is not favorable according to “all the people.” Let the New York Post know that this is not a “Missed Joke” but an offensive slam to ”Democracy” and to our new Commander in Chief.

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