Friday, February 20, 2009

02 14 09 - A New Awareness

One must realize that every setback isn't a "NO" it is merely a learning experience to help one realize how badly do you want to move forward!

Every "YES" does not come with instructions; instead it may come with insurmountable obstacles challenges and critics that make you think how in the world did I get here. There are leaders and there are followers cannot have one without the other; both have their purpose in this journey called "Life".

The address is "1600 Pennsylvania" it is just a stepping stone on life's journey! It’s a l-o-n-g awaited new beginning, let's not stop there. Let us "All" continue to march on as one!

Know that "Real Change" takes more than 4-8 years it may take a "Lifetime". Change begins in the heart then reaches the brain that governs our thoughts and actions then exhales via the vocal cords; as we can’t keep it to ourselves!

Elect this Black History Valentine’s Day, to be a "thinker" always thinking forward and proactively moving in that same people...many thoughts and ideas we must all unite and find commonality. Let not birth and death be the only places where mankind co-exist as one.

Everyone can make a change for the greater good!

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