Friday, February 20, 2009

01 22 09 - Corruption and Politics - "A Lie Told"

I recall when Martha Stewarts employee lied under oath and received more time than Martha, in Michigan the news just came on and said our former Mayor is getting out early 20 days for good behavior...(so what do you get for just plain bad behavior - shorter time in jail), while his alleged girlfriend gets 4 months total and he gets barely 3 months total.

The Mayor's girlfriend is a highly intelligent as well as an educated woman who made bad choices and continued to do so because she thought she could get away with it...the lesson in all this:

1. Be truthful...protect yourself by not lying for others you will always get the short end "literally".
2. Don't be the "other woman" (for real) or man whatever the case - double jeopardy (liar and the other woman/man).
3. Have a back-up plan, you may lose your job with that person and or company but it cheaper than going to jail!!!
4. Don't set traps or wish harm to may just get caught up in your own mess
5. No lie lives forever

I had faith in our Mayor that he would lead with integrity so I wished him well on his second term and he even let me take his photo (he even posed for me) at the governors last rally...none of us are perfect...stop lying in your personal life know that it will spill over in your public life.

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