Tuesday, February 24, 2009

02 24 09 What were you Thinking?

Think before you post. Is this statement something new or is it an idea going the ways of the 8-track tape, Windows 98, or the CD player and the like. As a teen I had a disagreement with a friend who had loose lips and repeated an earlier conversation we had; her father settled it by simply saying to me; “If you don’t want it told don’t tell it”.

With ever increasing friend or foe networks as I call them many people use these environments to either rant or rave, call someone out publically that they didn’t have the nerve to in person, tell your business and theirs, spy on each other or, flaunt their goods so the rest of us will admire them more all the while throwing caution under the preverbal bus. Then there are some who are more responsible; to you I say thank you encourage others to follow.

All I would like to ask is “Have you lost your mind?” By now everyone knows that every email, every text, every online photo, every online chat is being permanently stored in someone’s massive network database for future use. You should not have to read the small print to know this.

It is my belief that often times; companies are forgoing the typical survey because they know we would have to come to a dead stop in order to complete one and none of us are going to give up that much time; myself included. In order to better market their products; instead they track monitor and solicit information in a new form that is the FREE friends network; here they see read and monitor your actions conversations and so on; giving them all the information to customize and tailor their goods and services, these companies retain billion bytes of information on a daily basis. Don’t act as if you’re shocked, you’ve already been warned; nothing is really FREE.

It should be a well known fact by now that the person i.e., company/website making the rules changes them as they suit their own interest not the consumer the user of the product. Analysts everywhere are trying to properly educate online users but it does appear their helpfulness is falling on deaf ears.

Users are told to be discreet online and they do just the opposite and wonder why an employer or co-worker may treat them just a little different. “People wake up” if you put it out there then know that potentially the whole world will see hear read and or print it. Case in point on one of those FREE friends network sites every time you update change or add an item to your profile that information is immediately shared amongst your entire fan base; I for one have looked for the off switch; to my knowledge there isn’t one.

Think before you post anything online line whether it’s a friendly chat, email, or even text…it’s a paper trail and all that evidence can and will be potentially used against you. Ask yourself who really owns the information? Remember what you do in your youth and beyond could very well comeback and bite you and that you’re “Actions speak louder than words” and remember “If you don’t want it told don’t tell it”.

Monday, February 23, 2009

02 23 09 How does one Truly Recession Proof a Career?

Is there such a thing? If so, how would you recession proof your own career? I would truly incorporate some of the following:
•Adapt to an ever changing culture/work environment
•Proactively think outside your defined role
•Develop a new skill set
•Telecommute or relocate
•Interests change over time inspire yourself to pursue new educational goals
•Aggressively inspire and mentor coworkers on your team
•Reduction in salary – How does one cope with a reduction in salary – it better than having no salary at all
•Implement those skills you’ve developed on your own personal time
•Learn a new word…If you hear a new word and don’t know its definition or point of origin look it up and learn its meaning and begin implementing the new word in both written and oral formats
•No matter how hard things get never ever put your integrity on the line as it will be tested in the most unproductive and unusual manner
•Stop using age as a factor there is a place for everyone…youthful vitality and independent wisdom now that’s a winning TEAM
•If you aren’t a person that reads a ton of books newspapers and or online articles than begin to change this and become an avid reader first you can begin with topics that most interest you
•Even if your role isn’t in the customer service dept the role belongs to every employee of the company
•Tell yourself on a daily basis there is always something new…put yourself on a quest for knowledge the universe is a vast place…share with others that which you have learned it may inspire further growth in others
•Remind yourself that everyone will eventually have their moment to shine and you are not on this journey alone
•With an open mind it will never matter what age you are…the question is are you willing to learn something new

What are some things you can do if you have already lost your current job
•Perform an internet search and find out the top 50 technology jobs
•Obtain financing to return to your educational pursuits and obtain a Bachelors or even a Masters
•Update your resume and stay informed on current resume formats and trends look at resumes online and determine if your resume has eye appeal is it neat in appearance does it contain typo’s is it grammatically correct does your resume reflect and or mirror the job description for which you are applying
•Read numerous job boards and begin to apply – incorporate some of those skills that you do as hobby
•Really read job postings that you may not even qualify for and determine the skill set that’s needed and if you are interested then begin to pursue that particular skill set
•Often times it only takes a class or two a few hours a month
•Major bookstores have café areas and tons of reading areas go and park there for a couple of hours
•That hobby that passion that item that holds your attention when you are off the clock this item can potentially become a side business and or lend itself to becoming a new skill on your resume
•Maintain a healthy outlook on your current situation it will be instrumental in the days ahead
•Apply for jobs that may be parttime 2-6 months in length your willingness to adapt to one of these situations may lead to full time employment
•Utilize your own network base and/or develop and new network entirely

Volunteer your time it will be much appreciated. While unemployed, I found myself on three separate occasions volunteering at a job fair that was totally out of my industry. Why did I volunteer? I have had so much experience writing resumes and still consider it a great gift to yourself and others to volunteer and give back.
Each time I took my two laptops so that someone who showed up without one could type...only one laptop out of 5 was attached to the printer so we all transferred files via a USB flash drive...each time we were able to help a minimum of 100 people whom genuinely appreciated getting their resumes typed. This experience put me on the other side of the table again so that I could extend the greatest kindest customer service that consisted of dignity and mutual respect. It is all anyone wants in these tough economic times.-Learn not to be judgmental and critical of others instead find common ground and new levels to co-exist.
You are only as good and profound as you allow yourself to be so, be the sunshine you seek!!!

02 20 09 The NAACP and the New York Post..."you missed the joke"

I received an email Action Alert recently from the NAACP. The NAACP is actively pursuing a mass email campaign to have the necessary persons responsible for the insidious “stimulus comic” to be fired.

I for one believe in free speech, however, there are such times as this that we the people must allow our individual and collective voices to be heard and speak out against such a thing. It’s sad that we are an aggressive forward thinking nation that is still hung up on the color of one’s skin verses the content of their character.

I’m further saddened that certain newspapers will hide behind their freedom of speech. In order to perpetuate a particular stereotype, while others just passively sit by and quietly accept their bad behavior masquerading as commentary and or for comic value. We the people can utilize our voices in a way that has never before been seen (since the recent election of our 44th President).

Stop advertising, supporting, reading, and passing around negative commentaries such as this. The New York Post is carrying on business as usual and operating under the same guise that this type of behavior is still favorable.

Let me state; it is not favorable according to “all the people.” Let the New York Post know that this is not a “Missed Joke” but an offensive slam to ”Democracy” and to our new Commander in Chief.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

02 22 29 A New Class of Americans

I was going to entitle the following as; “Where has Middle America gone?” half way through realized something so real that the title had to be changed.

The term middle class American’s is often thrown around like a badge of honor, this term has been in existence for quite some time; but has gained recent popularity because it was embedded within the 2008 elections by our 44th President Barack Obama.

The way society reads it; there are 3 classes of people:

-The Upper Class
-The Middle Class
-The Underclass

The upper class, are the aristocrats who are “uber” rich this group includes billionaires, millionaires, philanthropist, bankers, doctors, stars, educators, inventors, trust fund babies and of course many swindlers. Many choose to do great things with their time and monies by leaving legacies to, colleges, universities and hospitals, and endowments across the nation. While others not so much.

The middle class known as the working class serves an important purpose in the world, without this class life as we know it would cease. So asking the question to the universe why are so many people doing everything possible to annihilate this segment of the population?

The underclass sometimes known as (the invisible class), often living and working and still can’t catch a break. Are often not taken serious, at times are cheated by others because they may lack the where with all too properly take care of themselves in certain business transactions due to never having the opportunity to learn and grow in that area. At times when politicians are speaking they often never include this segment unless they have to.

Why can’t we form a new class that encompasses all three? Or would that be too hard for some the answer is a resounding yes? For the most part the privileged rich want to maintain their status and only socialize with each other, the middle class at times can comfortably walk in both worlds and yet are still tolerated; while the underclass may feel so eclipsed and cutoff and extremely ignored by both. Perfect example the next time you are invited to a prestigious gathering survey the room.

In our most recent tough economic times, there may be a new class emerging that encompasses all the classes; i.e., upper class American’s who lost so much in the stock market now find themselves nearing the middle class. The middle class American who have lost a job along with their retirement fund due to greed by their companies’ upper echelon now find themselves without a paycheck a career and are now living on their savings while collecting unemployment benefits that have an expiration date. Some sooner than others may fall out of the middle class entirely, getting a firsthand look at what it feels like to no longer be in the middle class segment. Forcing many Americans to re evaluate their priorities and behave differently thus changing their thinking process along the way.

Would it be so bad to remove the class labeling system? After all isn’t class partially built on perception? Isn’t “class” a mindset that is backed up by the perception that one has means?

Some recent narrow minded politicians think that our society should remove the middle class, this would create problems of its own; the middle class encompasses so many diverse industries people and attitudes. The politician has associated and targeted an entire industry based on the backs of the automotive employee as the middle class and have stated that they make too much money. It is one’s greatest sense of self that they would preclude that an automotive employee should make less; it takes a lot of savvy to say that about a large group of people while the politician is sitting in Washington making hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The catalyst if there is one is the politician is using his brains to earn a living, while the automotive employee is using is hands. Has the politician forgotten that there are tiers and tires of executives in the automotive as well as other industries? This is where the fat should be cut, some brilliant CEO’s write the rules that they change to suit their personal styles. Middle America never once gave thought to how executives across America really traveled; until recently we all now know that thousands of dollars are used to compensate the wealthy executive and politician traveling under the guise that they are transacting business on behalf of the corporations and their elected base. Middle America is proactively funding all of this, for we are the tax base that allows others to play while we work.

Just think about it for a moment if you remove the middle class, then you remove an intended buffer that is supposed to be in place which will create a void; therefore sending everything sliding downward. I tend to think this is the intended objective.

Also, the politician has put more promise on the wall street banker than any other working segment of our population. Is the middle class American encroaching upon the footsteps of others? The answer is an emphatic no. What one must realize is that the wall street banker is trading shares on the efforts of the American worker and inflating those shares on a daily basis. With that being said; if there are no workers left there is no product there is no trade.

Remove the middle class; and now there are only two, guess who always wins. The voice of the people are embedded in this group called middle class; as a whole this voice tends to standardize industries, will commit to saying no when appropriate and say yes we can to getting the job done; this group fills the voids in all other groups. To annihilate the middle class is to silence the strongest voice in America.

I vote “No” do not silence or censor the people.

Friday, February 20, 2009

01 22 09 - Corruption and Politics - "A Lie Told"

I recall when Martha Stewarts employee lied under oath and received more time than Martha, in Michigan the news just came on and said our former Mayor is getting out early 20 days for good behavior...(so what do you get for just plain bad behavior - shorter time in jail), while his alleged girlfriend gets 4 months total and he gets barely 3 months total.

The Mayor's girlfriend is a highly intelligent as well as an educated woman who made bad choices and continued to do so because she thought she could get away with it...the lesson in all this:

1. Be truthful...protect yourself by not lying for others you will always get the short end "literally".
2. Don't be the "other woman" (for real) or man whatever the case - double jeopardy (liar and the other woman/man).
3. Have a back-up plan, you may lose your job with that person and or company but it cheaper than going to jail!!!
4. Don't set traps or wish harm to others...you may just get caught up in your own mess
5. No lie lives forever

I had faith in our Mayor that he would lead with integrity so I wished him well on his second term and he even let me take his photo (he even posed for me) at the governors last rally...none of us are perfect...stop lying in your personal life know that it will spill over in your public life.

01 22 09 Diversity and an "Inaugural Flub"

I grew up in a cultural diverse middle class neighborhood in Jersey (that’s New Jersey to the rest of you). I’m going to choose to believe that the “flub” between Chief Justice John Roberts and our new President Obama was an oversight because he didn’t have his notes.

Important lesson...notes are beneficial to both. Some may say he was nervous while others would say differently; make your own choice and move on!!!

02 14 09 - A New Awareness

One must realize that every setback isn't a "NO" it is merely a learning experience to help one realize how badly do you want to move forward!

Every "YES" does not come with instructions; instead it may come with insurmountable obstacles challenges and critics that make you think how in the world did I get here. There are leaders and there are followers cannot have one without the other; both have their purpose in this journey called "Life".

The address is "1600 Pennsylvania" it is just a stepping stone on life's journey! It’s a l-o-n-g awaited new beginning, let's not stop there. Let us "All" continue to march on as one!

Know that "Real Change" takes more than 4-8 years it may take a "Lifetime". Change begins in the heart then reaches the brain that governs our thoughts and actions then exhales via the vocal cords; as we can’t keep it to ourselves!

Elect this Black History Valentine’s Day, to be a "thinker" always thinking forward and proactively moving in that same direction...one God...one people...many thoughts and ideas we must all unite and find commonality. Let not birth and death be the only places where mankind co-exist as one.

Everyone can make a change for the greater good!

02 20 09 Before you Click Submit

Read Before you click Submit...First things first, I like to proceed ahead at times and bring the instructions along the way for the wild ride. However, that may not the best online approach as with everything is rapidly changing on a continuous basis.

Today, I received a request from a stranger from a name and face I do not remember, (note the photo with the profile was of an attractive person) instead of immediately clicking ,the confirm or ignore button I decided to go the extra mile; as that is my nature.

While preparing to send the below listed: You recently sent me a friend request; as I would like to honor such a request please be so kind as to remind me how it is that we know each other?

You do know that (unnamed friend network site) is a sort of friendly environment and once one gains access to a my page, then you have access to the entire list and I try and protect the privacy of those who have entrusted their FB pages to me. Your name doesn’t seem recently familiar to me.

However, I do like the Staples look, it is a first "quite creative". Looking forward to hearing back from you. Thank you for the request and have a wonderful day!

I was merely trying to confirm if this person had the wrong “ME” or indeed we did know each other. I noticed in plain view next to the Submit button was the following: If you send NAME a message, you will give him permission to view your list of friends, as well as your Basic, Work and Education info for one month.

It pays to read the small print in one month’s time I could either:
-Get reacquainted with a old friend
-Potentially meet a new one via an old friend
-Open my page to a real online stalker and invite them into your friends
-Open my page to an intrusive potential employer who wishes to know how my friends and myself really live act and play

Guard your online communications, all of you should be cautious with whom you invite into your life?
-Ask yourself would you invite A STRANGER into your home?
-Would you invite A STRANGER who sends an attractive photo? Is there a difference?
-Would you invite A STRANGER who sends an unattractive photo? Is there a difference?
-Do you automatically confirm A STRANGER just because a few of your friends did?
-A Stranger is just that….A STRANGER-Give yourself permission to click the ignore button
-Don’t send a message asking them how do you know me (that’s naïve…as I almost did that one)
-Hindsight the person could be legitimate, if that is the case they will contact you on your email that they should already have.

Go through your friends list and if you truly do not know an individual that you are now friends with and you met them on your (online network) page allow yourself to delete that profile and make a mental note not to confirm that person again. To do so allows them access to you and all your friends and their friends and their friends and so on!